You want to send a message of size 3 MB to a topic with default message size configuration. How does KafkaProducer handle large messages?
Correct Answer:
MessageSizeTooLarge is not a retryable exception.
A topic has three replicas and you set min.insync.replicas to 2. If two out of three replicas are not available, what happens when a produce request with acks=all is sent to broker?
Correct Answer:
With this configuration, a single in-sync replica becomes read-only. Produce request will receive NotEnoughReplicasException.
If I supply the setting compression.type=snappy to my producer, what will happen? (select two)
Correct Answer:
Kafka transfers data with zero copy and no transformation. Any transformation (including compression) is the responsibility of clients.
A producer is sending messages with null key to a topic with 6 partitions using the DefaultPartitioner. Where will the messages be stored?
Correct Answer:
Message with no keys will be stored with round-robin strategy among partitions.
If a topic has a replication factor of 3...
Correct Answer:
Replicas are spread across available brokers, and each replica = one broker. RF 3 = 3 brokers