An attacker with access to the inside network of a small company launches a successful STP manipulation attack. What will he do next?
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Which file is a rich target to discover the structure of a website during web-server footprinting?
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Which wireless security protocol replaces the personal pre-shared key (PSK) authentication with Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE) and is therefore resistant to offline dictionary attacks?
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What would you enter if you wanted to perform a stealth scan using Nmap?
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infecting a system with malware and using phishing to gain credentials to a system or web application are examples of which phase of the ethical hacking methodology?
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This phase having the hacker uses different techniques and tools to realize maximum data from the system. they’re –• Password cracking – Methods like Bruteforce, dictionary attack, rule-based attack, rainbow table a used. Bruteforce is trying all combinations of the password. Dictionary attack is trying an inventory of meaningful words until the password matches. Rainbow table takes the hash value of the password and compares with pre-computed hash values until a match is discovered.• Password attacks – Passive attacks like wire sniffing, replay attack. Active online attack like Trojans, keyloggers, hash injection, phishing. Offline attacks like pre-computed hash, distributed network and rainbow. Non electronic attack like shoulder surfing, social engineering and dumpster diving.